Dog therapy training cards

Therapy dogs can deliver significant benefits for a wide range of people, with research having shown that they can reduce stress, improve self-esteem, and boost an individual’s quality of life. However, these dogs have to be trained first, which is why PAWS contacted us to help them launch a new product to support the animal’s training.

Stunning design

These therapy dog training product finish were critical to ensure that individuals had clear ideas regarding the tasks, modules, and fun activities they could use to help their dog’s training. With that in mind, we developed two prototypes of the products for client approval and defined print specifications and artwork requirements in advance of their production.

Strategic development

We began this collaboration with PAWS on their canine body language flashcards by working closely with the client, sounding out their requirements and answering any questions they had. We then got to work producing the cards and coordinated and quality-checked UK production and delivery.

Successful delivery

The client was extremely happy with the quality of the dog therapy training product we created, which should ensure that animal-assisted therapy is available to everyone who could benefit from it. After the cards were manufactured, we also managed a product lifestyle photoshoot, with the photos used on the client’s ecommerce website.

Top 3 achievements:

  • Delivered a new carbon-captured product within the required three months
  • Technically checked print production PDFs including cutters, bleeds, colour management
  • Coordinated and quality checked UK production and delivery